What does R.E.C. stand for?
R.E.C. is a play on words. As an avid musician the letters R.E.C. are the common three letters found on the ‘Record” button on nearly every audio recording device. As an accountant R.E.C. are three of the top things that I hope any business will take good care of. Those 3 things are Revenue, Expenses and Cost of Goods Sold.
How does this work?
R.E.C. is all online. As our site evolves, we will create a members only portal where all communications can happen within the site. For now, Email, Text and Telephone communications are our go to. Our meetings are all online. Our Processes are all Secure. We hope to bring you solutions that are fit for the 21st century world.
How many clients work like this?
R.E.C.’s all-online concept, is still a fairly new concept.
Most of our former clients are a hybrid solution of in-person meetings with a great deal of email communications. We hope to bring all our clients up to speed to the new world of technologies. Easy does it and we understand if your business also needs to take baby steps to get there. We are here to help.
Who will I be working with?
As the owner, I take great pride in setting up every client for great success.
One of our expert, educated staff members will be more than happy to be your dedicated tax advisor
We have experienced in working with hundreds of individual and business clients alike.